Quality Policy Statement
It is the policy of Lagan Aviation & Infrastructure Ltd (LAIL) to maintain a Quality Management System which meets the needs and expectations of our customers, employees and stakeholders and the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001:2015. We adopt and implement the quality principle of ‘Right First Time’ during the execution of all our contracts, which as a minimum complies with all relevant statutory legislation and industry best practices.
Our vision is to be a world class family-owned specialist contracting business that will grow to be the most respected in the construction and service industry. Quality is key to achieving this vision and ensures the company delivers products and services that are safe, compliant, and preferred by our customers.
Through the implementation of our quality policy, we guarantee our customers a consistently high level of products and services that fully meets their requirements. Our Quality Management System applies to all activities of the business and everyone who works for and behalf of the organisation.
The management team shall demonstrate leadership and commitment to the organisation’s operations and provide the resources and training necessary to ensure all obligations under the standard can be met. Everyone is responsible for the quality of their own work. All personnel are required to implement the quality management procedures throughout their contract operations, which are in place to efficiently manage the quality assurance process.
LAIL is committed to continuously improve the service offered. We have clearly defined quality objectives that are monitored regularly and the management system updated, as required.
This policy will be displayed ensuring all personnel are aware of commitment to providing the highest quality service and product to our customers and stakeholders. This policy is reviewed annually to ensure it remains relevant and appropriate to our activities and industry standards. This Policy will be made available to all interested parties, on request.
Reviewed on: 14th February 2024
Steve Turner
Managing Director