Carbon Reduction Plan
Supplier Name: Lagan Aviation & Infrastructure Limited
Publication Date: 03/11/2023
Commitment to achieving Net Zero
Protecting the natural and human environment is an important part of how we do business. We believe that carbon reduction is good for the environment and business. Through a reduction in fuel usage, we not only reduce our carbon equivalent emissions but also our cost of construction. It pushes us to innovate and improve the way we work to deliver lower carbon products and services. We are committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050.
Baseline Emissions Footprint
Baseline emissions are a record of the greenhouse gases that have been produced in the past and were produced prior to the introduction of any strategies to reduce emissions. Baseline emissions are the reference point against which emissions reduction can be measured. We acknowledge that Covid-19 had a heavy impact on the aviation industry and in turn our business, resulting in low emissions reporting for year 2019 to 2021.
Baseline Year: 2021/2022
Additional Details relating to the Baseline Emissions calculations.
We had recorded out emissions for Scope 1 (direct from fossil fuels consumption), Scope 2 (indirect from procured energy) and Scope 3 emissions which consist of Category 5 (Waste generation in operations), Category 6 (Business Travel), Category 7 (Employee Commuting). We are still working with our supply chain to ensure accurate reporting of Category 4 (Upstream transportation and distribution) and will be updated and reflecting once we are able to establish this. Category 9 (Downstream transportation and distribution) is not applicable to our business as we produce our products for use on site, only in quantities required to complete the works. Material are laid on site with no requirements to be transported for sale. We are continuing to work with our fuel providers, waste management contractors and supply chain partners to gather scope 3 emissions data accurately and consistently and to encourage a commitment from them to contribute to our shared commitment to monitor, report and reduce carbon emissions associated with the works.
Baseline year emissions:
Total Emissions
1732.67 (includes procured fuel to run our sites, plants and equipment) .
Scope 1
167.13 (includes procured energy for our offices and sites that are connected to the electric grid)
Scope 2
1026.29 (includes majority of waste generated from operations, employee commuting and business travel)
Scope 3
2926.09 tCO2e
TOTAL (tCO2e):
Current Emissions Reporting
To improve accuracy of reporting, we will ensure data is available and monitored on a monthly basis, as far as possible. There may be lag in certain data such as utility bills, which are provided quarterly.
Reporting Year: 2022/2023
TOTAL (tCO2e):
6,208.78 (includes procured fuel to run our project accommodations and welfare, plants and equipment) .
Scope 1
108.2 (include procured energy to run our offices, offices and sites that are connected to the electric grid)
Scope 2
314.81 (includes majority of waste generated from operations, employee commuting and business travel)
Scope 3 (Included Sources)
6,631.79 tCO2e
Total Emissions
Emissions reduction targets
We are continually reviewing our carbon reduction initiatives and measures based on technologies and infrastructure available on the market to ensure carbon reductions. We have set a target to reduce our emissions annually to meet our target of Net Zero by 2050.
Limitations to meeting our reduction targets
In our baseline year, all our projects were UK based. However, in the current reporting year, we have a live project site internationally. This has increased our scope 3 emissions due to international travel of our employees. Due to the location, it has also made access to renewable energy or a steady supply of biodiesel difficult. As we continue to improve the accuracy and consistency of our reporting, we will include wider categories of Scope 3 data, resulting in an increase in emissions reported compared to the baseline year. The graph below shows the emissions produced in our baseline and reporting year, followed by a 5 year cycle forecast. Due to the nature of the business, fluctuations are expected for our absolute emissions data. Therefore, we will continue to use carbon intensity ratio alongside our emissions data to determine the effectiveness of our initiatives and measures.
Carbon Reduction Projects
Completed Carbon Reduction Initiatives
The following environmental management measures and projects have been completed or implemented since our 2021/2022 baseline:
Setting objectives for continuous improvement and monitoring against them
Maintenance of our ISO 14001 accreditations
Using the BREEAM Infrastructure framework on larger projects to ensure good sustainability and carbon management on our projects
Investment in technology to accommodate virtual meetings to minimise employee travel
Implementation of Electric Car Scheme to encourage employees to switch over to electric cars. Based on the average 12,000 miles travel for an employee, switching from an average sized diesel car to an electric car would result in an average saving of 2,712.71 kgCO2e.
To reduce our emissions for 2022/2023, we have implemented the following on our projects
Upon agreement with the client, connecting our asphalt batching plants to electrical grid, powered by 100% renewal energy, resulting in savings of 1,309.5 tCO2e
Use of eco-cabins for a number of our projects which are equipped with energy saving technologies such as motion sensor lights, LED lights, timed heating controls and better insulation
Use of hybrid powered construction plant and equipment, where possible.
Allowance for hybrid working for employees whose roles do not require them to be on site to reduce commuting required
Reuse of materials on site to reduce use of virgin material and reduce the number of heavy good vehicles deliveries
Installation of electrical charging points on site
Future Carbon Reduction Initiatives
The carbon emissions for year 2022/2023 showed that 92.19% of our emissions was derived from the use of diesel and kerosene to run our asphalt plants, construction plant and equipment. Until our owned plant and equipment are due for replacement, we will focus on reducing our reliance on diesel powered hired plant and equipment to meet our reduction targets. Our short, medium and long term initiatives are as follows:
Short term (<3 years)
Implementation of a third party accredited ISO 50001 compliant energy management system
Liaise with client to allow connection to the electrical grid where existing infrastructure is in place. Carbon review on resource required to establish new infrastructure where required.
Prioritise the use of biodiesel (such as HVO) across all project sites
All project sites to be set up using eco-cabins with resource saving technologies such as motion sensor lights, LED lights, time heated controls, better insulation, natural ventilation, automatic shut off systems, EV charging points etc.
Reuse and recycling of greywater on sites as water suppression
Supply chain appraisal to include requirement to net zero targets and the publications of a carbon reduction plan
Where practicable, hired plant to be electric or hybrid
All tenders to be presented with a low carbon option
100% of generators on site to be hybrid (solar powered with battery packs)
Solar powered laboratories
Establish a process of ensure that key project KPIs are in place, including determining the baseline and reduction targets across project duration
Reduce travel to sites through use of technology (such as drones) for virtual site tours.
Medium term (3 to 10 years)
When current plant are due for replacement, selection of fuel efficient or hybrid variety (when available on market)
Work with client to design lower embodied water concrete and reduced temperature asphalt, while meeting technical specifications
When due for replacement, electrification of company fleet
Work with clients and designer to increase use of recycled aggregate and materials to make new products
Engage with our supply chain to encourage monitoring and reporting of their carbon emissions
Asphalt burners to be converted to electric to eliminate reliance on kerosene and heating oil
Long term (>10 years)
When available in market, new plant to be electric of hybrid only
All sites to be run on renewable energy
Supply chain appraisal to include requirement to net zero targets and the publications of a carbon reduction plan
Declaration and Sign Off
This Carbon Reduction Plan has been completed in accordance with PPN 06/21 and associated guidance and reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans.
Emissions have been reported and recorded in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the GHG Reporting Protocol corporate standard (*1) and uses the appropriate Government emission conversion factors for greenhouse gas company reporting (*2).
Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions have been reported in accordance with SECR requirements, and the required subset of Scope 3 emissions have been reported in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard (*3).
This Carbon Reduction Plan has been reviewed and signed off by the board of directors (or equivalent management body).
Signed on behalf of the Supplier:
Steve Turner
Managing Director
Date: 03/11/2023