Health and Safety Policy Statement
Our employees are our most valuable asset. The provision of a safe and healthy working environment is integral to successful business performance and sustained growth
This complements our core values: Respect, Safety, Care, Fun, Trust, Open & Honest
We protect the health, safety and welfare of our employees, subcontractor, visitors and anyone who may be affected by the company’s operations.
We provide the necessary resources for the successful implementation of our health and safety management system which conforms to BS ISO 45001:2018. Our procedures, as a minimum, comply with relevant statutory legislation and best practice in local jurisdictions that we work in.
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has overall responsibility for ensuring the successful implementation of the health and safety policy. The responsibilities of managing Lagan Aviation & Infrastructure Ltd (LAIL)’s health and safety lies with LAIL’s Managing Director. All levels within our management structure have clear roles and responsibilities for managing Health and Safety
It is the policy of the company to:
Promote a positive health and safety culture through 2-way consultation and active involvement of employees or their representatives to identify risks and agree safe control measures, identify any issues that could affect their health, safety, welfare and well-being and implement initiatives to address them.
Assess health and safety hazards associated with our operations, implement a process of risk assessment management, and implement controls to minimise the possibility of injury or ill-health to our employees and anyone who may be affected by our operations.
Provide plant and equipment that are suitable for the task and ensure that they are safe, without risk, and well maintained.
Provide suitable and well maintained welfare facilities that ensure the health, wellbeing and welfare of our employees and those who work on our behalf.
Monitor performance against objectives and communicate the results annually.
Continually improve the health and safety management procedures to prevent injury and ill health.
Provide information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure that everyone is competent in the task assigned and can perform them without compromising on the safety of themselves and others.
Ensure that all employees, subcontractors and visitors are aware of their personal responsibilities.
Ensure that all employees, subcontractors and visitors are aware of incident reporting procedures.
Ensure that competent subcontractors are appointed and supervised throughout the works.
Ensure the use, handling, storage and transportation of substances is managed and safe.
The Policy is communicated to all persons working for or on behalf of LAIL and is displayed to ensure all personnel understand LAIL’s commitment to Health and Safety. This policy is reviewed annually to ensure it reflects the organisations current priorities, plans & targets for Health and Safety management.
Reviewed on: 14th February 2025
Steve Turner
Managing Director